A riff on the in-betweens

One thing that I have learned over the last few years since my health crisis and turning my life upside down is that life is often one transition after another.

And while so many of us are all waiting for the “in-between” to be over, maybe that’s not the point. You know how complacent we get. “My life will calm down after this week.” But there’s always another week of chaos. “It’s just been a rough year.” Ok, how many years have you been saying that?

One thing I have come to believe is that we never really “get there.” Maybe that’s not the point anyways. 

I don’t believe in getting somewhere, I believe in the in-betweens.

Transition to transition to transition.

Sometimes it feels like a big cosmic joke.

Sometimes it feels like stagnant water.

Sometimes it seems like a black hole.

And other times, it’s just a plain scary leap into another unknown.

But in-betweens nonetheless.

And who says that’s a bad thing? 

I say all the time that I hope I’m not the same person I was yesterday. I hope I am in a constant state of transition between who I am today and who I am becoming. 

Because I can tell you that if you have big dreams for your life, you better live in a state of constant up-leveling, changing and transitioning. 

Big dreams call for big in-betweens. End of story.

What if we started to view the in-between as the place where the magic happens. 

The place where you decide to leap. 

The place where you decide to shake something up. 

Where you go deeper and push the boundaries. 

The in-betweens are where your curiosity inspires you to burn shit down and light shit up.

So maybe we all need to strive less to have a calm life (which will probably never happen anyways and is 100% guaranteed to be boring) and decide to embrace more of the shake, move, drop and leap.

Maybe we need to stop obsessing so much about getting out of this in-between and instead find gratitude knowing that this is where the magic happens.

As Hafiz says, “This place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you.” 




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